Hello, Humans from Planet Earth !!
Word used is #unlockdown 2.0 but #coronavirus#covid19 is still spreading. We are still in the kindda #lockdown situation.
A lot has been spoken about #makeinindia and #madeinindia since a while[since the time PM #narendramodi came up with the idea with his team a couple of years ago] and recently it has been talked about it again wrt #china.

I am a supporter of that and I strongly believe that India has full potential to manufacture, produce and deliver efficiently to stand tall in the #world #market.
I truly believe that we have many things, thoughts and theories that can be used by the World for its betterment. But we need to #bethechange to show the profound output so that others can think about bringing them into their lives.
What we need is polishing, packaging and persistence to be able to stand tall.
Brain Drain is a known word. Proves the potentials we have in our Country. But due to fewer opportunities, corruption, less monetary growth, the potentials run out for greener pastures aka #braindrain. Makes sense. Not everyone can be #patriotic. It's almost #suicide, not patriotism some would say. Every person is unique and on his/her journey. Nothing is right or wrong in this scenario.
But things seem to be changing, things should change and my heart wants to say things will change. I am a human of planet earth and not just a citizen of a country. But there is a reason why I am connected to this country. There are diamonds in this country which if polished and marketed properly can make this part of the world shine too. Eventually, we want the entire earth to shine as bright as the sun[if that's a good thing]. For the earth to be a #sun of someone else out there.
For now, let's come back to earth... and its important part: India.
I've been thinking, dreaming of a website called www.madeinindia.com since many-2 years. The domain name currently is not available.
USP would be that everything on that website is Made In India.
Everything on it is passed through a quality check.
Everything which has the potential to be on it but needs some #makeover for a world-class presentation is guided.
You could buy a safety pin on it and you could buy an automobile on it.
I don't know how viable it is to have such varied variety to be on the same platform but am sure there must be some way or at least a display of the product stating[listing] that 'we exist'.
Another idea of a website concept or at least #listing is of #natural #organic #environment friendly products from across the globe. But let's talk about it a bit later.
For now, what I would be doing is... mentioning things that I have used that are made in India and share my experience.
I have indulged in brands from around the globe. Nothing out of the way, the usual every person comes across in the stores and on the internet.
Some of them are really-really good that in my knowledge have no replacement in the Indian Markets.
Some of them are good and not good and we do have similar or better things been manufactured right here in India.
I would like to mention all of them here.
Over the years I have tried looking up for Indian Brands online and it isn't easy to find due to various reasons[some have been mentioned above].
I feel there is not much information or a platform online that talks about Indian brands and maybe I want to be that platform in this humble way.
Charity begins at home, my home is India... this small initiation would make me very happy and I hope it reaches like-minded people as well.
It is good to adopt new things from the world, if that suits us.
Also, there is no shame in using your own country's products if they are good too.
But it is a shame that we at 1st disregard and later see our goodness from the eyes of an outsider. eg. #yoga, #ayurveda and much more.
Maybe that's how it was "meant to be" some would say.
I want to appeal, that please: Give your own country a chance so that others can see its goodness too. Not just related to products but concepts, ideas, culture also.
Once we shine at our micro level, then only can we see a huge macro-level glow of our beautiful Globe. That's the final goal, right?
Deep Breathe And Smile Always :)